WordPress Security & Maintenance Services

Web Developers / Web Designers!

We Help You Maintain Your Client's Websites and Solve Your Plugins / Themes issues!

Our affordable WordPress Maintenance Services includes most of the features which other providers offer on premium charges.

We offer a range of maintenance services, including plugin and theme updates, regular backups, security scans, and performance optimizations. Our team of WordPress experts will keep your site up-to-date and running at peak performance, so you can focus on running your business.

Just have a look at our following service features...


WordPress Maintenance Services


Our WordPress maintenance service can help you keep up with the latest updates, security and compatibility issues. It includes WP core files, themes and plugins updates. Regular updates improve your website's performance and help you fix any vulnerabilities.

Weekly Backups


We take complete weekly backups of your entire WordPress Website. This helps keep your data and files safe and secure, in case of server break down, security issues like hacking, or when you need to move your websites to another server. We keep multiple copies of backup.


Just inform us your new server credentials and we shall move your entire website to your new server location. We will setup and configure everything to ensure your website works perfectly smooth and flawless on your new server.



Yes, WordPress is safe. However, No software or website is entirely safe. If it's connected to the internet, it will always have vulnerabilities or ways to break-in. We will put into place security settings and plugins which will ensure that your website is secure from hackers and attackers.

Recover From Hacks


We can completely recover most of the hacked WordPress websites. We will analyze, debug and then recover your website from malicious codes. This is covered in our basic maintenance service only where other providers charge premium.

WordPress Speed and Performance


Our basic WordPress maintenance service includes website optimization for fast loading times. Your WordPress site will run smoothly as a result of this. You'll be able to focus on your business, rather than worrying about the technical side of your website.

Image Optimization


5GB Compression Bandwidth. Images can account for 50% of your loading time. By compressing them you will quickly gain precious seconds. Also a fast web page encourgages your visitors to stay on your website and to keep on browsing. Offer them an ultra­fast experience!



We continuously monitor your website for security, speed performance and updates. This is not just a best practice; it's a crucial necessity in today's digital landscape. It safeguards your data, enhances user experiences, improves SEO rankings, and ultimately contributes to the overall success and trustworthiness of your online presence.

WPDoctor Security Plugin


We install WP Secure plugin which prevents 4 top WordPress attacks in 1-click. 1)XSS Attack to prevent attacks of injecting malicous scripts. 2)Prevent Content Sniffing through X-Content-Type-Options 3)X-Frame-Options to defend against attacks like clickjacking. 4)Referrer-Policy to allow a site to control how much information the browser includes with navigation.

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